
Want to help out? Become a Volunteer!

All events hosted by Diving SA are run by our wonderful volunteers. Without them, running events like Competitions, End of Term BBQ's and End of Year Fun Sessions wouldn't happen! We are eternally grateful to all of our volunteers, and appreciate the helping hands.

Of course, many hands make light work! If you are interested in helping out behind-the-scenes, please register your interest below.

Please note: Volunteers are required to have a valid Working with Children Check. If you do not have one, Diving SA can apply for one on your behalf.

Volunteer Roles

We have many roles available for volunteers, both in and out of competitions. Listed below are just a few of the roles that are available:

Competition Volunteering Roles

  • Deck Marshal
Control access to pool deck during events and line up competitors in order for their event march-ons.
  • Table Support
Read out and write down scores for the Top and Tailer during events.
  • Top and Tailing
Write down dive scores. With 5 judges, remove highest and lowest score and add the remaining scores together to get the "raw score". 
  • Certificate Laminator
After an event has concluded, certificates are printed for each diver and laminated with their dive scores on the rear.
  • Handstand judge
Stand up on the platform during a platform event and monitor any handstand dives being performed. If the diver comes down or takes a step, raise a hand to signal this to the competition referree.
  • Comp set-up
Lend a hand in setting up for competitions. For example, setting up the podium and the podium backdrop.
  • Merchandise Table
Run the merchandise table in the stands on competition days. 

Other Volunteering Roles

  • BBQ cooker

At our End of Term social events, pick up the tongs and cook the BBQ.

  • Board Member

We are always looking for more board members to help us run the club.
Contact Rick for more information

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